Week 14: the future of comics
Well i honestly to keep talking a lot of what ive been reading as a kid but i just keep going way back into time to find that first bit of influence that really inspired me to push my goals into the direction i want to this day. So im gonna talk about A webcomic made way back in i think 2000 called Slightly Damned and to be honest i still check it out every so often. keeping up to date is eazy, pages come out at least every 3 to 4 weeks or so give or take but the storyline is about a war between angels and demons fighting against each other opposing gods for rule over the others domaine, heaven and hell. It primarily follows the Character Rhea a squirrel like humanoid cast into hell alongside her friends Buwaro a Demon and Kieri an angel. the plot so far is been slow since then but its still my favorite although at most corny, mostly its just a guilty pleasure.
Ive also read a bit of "The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn" a wonderfully delightful webcomic, although i dislike the clouse proximity of the comic itself i don't know maybe it just me but its just too wide for my taste. Anyway like i said before its quaint, its dark daremike smooth and eerie with a mysterious atmosphere. although its travels through the dark tragedy of WW1 it still reatain a good amount of humor. kinda reminds me of my D&D games i run sometimes.
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