Week Six Underground Comics

I really haven't read a lot of underground comics in my time, and the few that I have read I have no honest memory of. Despite this, I have come to enjoy the comic Dr. Atomic,  illustrated by Larry S. Todd. In the time that i've spent reading it I have managed to gather enough info on the most dominant theme in its stories. Dr. Atomic comics were like the solid edgy punk of the 1970s. Its constant references to drugs such as weed, cocaine, and various other hallucinogens give it the foundation of pseudoscience like adventures to take place within the comic. Examples include, creating a spaceship in the backyard, locating the loch ness monster, and creating robots for dispensing drugs and contacting nordic like aliens using crystals. The artwork was effective in that  it had a loose sense of movement, yet was highly detailed and effectively used a color scheme of black of white.  


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