Week Seven

Maus was written by Art spiegelman. It Depicts the self insert character spiegelman interviewing his father about his experience as a polish jew and Holocaust Survivor. The work employs techniques that represents Jews as mice, Germans as cats and the polish as pigs. It was noted personally to me that maus is probably one of the most prolific storytelling graphic novel ever told, not just because of the subject matter it chooses to represent. But by the visual placement of each character, form and shape. For example there are just so many pages with visuals markers that represent the connection of family, time, and unseen things. For example the connection between the character spiegelman and his father in the form of body movement. Many panels it would show them mimicking the exact pose or head position to match the two characters in the signification of the father son relation and how many they are alike. When it come to time however the symbolism and placement of ...